What are angel numbers?

What is an angel?

The word “angel” is derived from the Greek word angelos” which means “messenger”. An angel is a Divine messenger to help, support, and protect you.

Each person on earth has guardian angels and spirit guides. Their task is to support, protect and guide you on your path of self-discovery whether you are aware of their presence or not.

There are different types of spirit guides such as ascended masters.

Each person has a soul mission and a life purpose. We are not always aware of our purpose in life. However, your guardian angels are aware of your purpose. If you have not yet found it then they will guide you in an effort to help you find it. In order to help us find our life purpose and soul mission they need to communicate with us. They communicate in different ways. One of these ways is via numbers.

They use repeating number sequences to send signs to help us reach our life purpose, feel more fulfilled and give us a sense of purpose in life.

Sometimes we need confirmation before we make decisions or guidance to pursue our dreams. The goal of your angels is to help you create more purpose in your life and to become a happier person. Angel numbers will help you become more aware of yourself and the decisions you should make to reach your potential.

What does an angel look like?

We all know how an angel is usually depicted but what does a real angel look like? Although we typically imagine an angel with wings, angels are made of energy and we can’t necessarily see them.

What is an angel number?

Angel numbers are recurring numbers or number sequences that our guardian angels send us to communicate. Each number has a meaning specifically for us. The numbers repeat themselves in order to get our attention so that we will know that these repeating numbers are messages or divine guidance from our guardian angels.

Each person has their own personal angel number calculated according to their date of birth (see what is my angel number?).

Any number can be an an angel number but here are some common sequences:

111 angel number.

Who invented angel numbers?

Nobody really knows who invented angel numbers although the assumption is that they originated from numerology.

How do you know a number is an angel number?

Synchronicity numbers

A number sequence will repeat itself more than once in order to get your attention. For example, you might find yourself looking at the clock at 3:05. You might take a train only to find that it is scheduled to leave at 3:05. Then you see a license plate, house number, or billboard with “305” on it. You buy something and the receipt reads $3.05, see phone numbers with 305. The number seems to repeat itself in random places.

The repetitive sequence will appear often enough for you to realize that it isn’t a mere coincidence but a divine message or reminder.

You feel a certain energy

Besides the frequency, another way to know if sequences of numbers are a divine message or not is to see if a particular number makes you feel like it is a message.

Even if a number sequence doesn’t repeat itself that often it might make you feel a certain energy. You will feel like the number is sending you a message.

What messages do your angels send you?

Angel number meanings are tailored to each person. Two people can see the same number and it will have a different meaning for each person. In order to understand what angel numbers mean, you need to take into account where you saw the message, what areas of your life are bothering you at the moment, and most importantly what you feel when you see a specific number.

Why do I keep seeing angel numbers?

Your angels want to help you reach your potential and find happiness. They want you to be happy. They will never send you a negative message. Any message sent by your guardian angels will always be positive. They will encourage you to take positive actions which will lead to positive outcomes. They will never encourage you to take negative actions and will never send a message that something bad is about to happen.

If you are happy they will help you be even happier. If you are going through a difficult time they will help you overcome difficulties.

What other angel signs are there?

The messages that your angels send you will not only be via numbers. Look out for other messages that you might suddenly receive. It could be a book you see someone reading or a remark from someone on the radio or TV that seems like it was meant for you. The messages will always be positive. If it is negative then it isn’t a message from your angels.

What do angel numbers mean?

It is important to note that your angels will send you messages to guide you during your self-discovery journey. However, they will not take you where you need to go. They will provide you with opportunities but they will not take action. They are there to help you but you cannot sit back and rely on them.

Sometimes an angel number will steer you in the right direction but often it will simply confirm your intuition. It will serve as a message to let you know you can trust your inner wisdom or gut feeling.

See angel number meanings.

What should you do when you see an angel number?

Firstly, you need to pay attention so that you don’t miss the angel number or the signs that you angels might send you. Then, you need to understand the angel number meaning. This website can help you understand what the number means. Give thought as to how the angel number makes you feel. This feeling is the most important part of the meaning.

Once you understand the angel number meaning you need to take action. Don’t sit around waiting for your life to change. Make it change. You are the creator of your life. Take action and make things happen. Your guardian angels will provide opportunities but you need to take them.

In order to reach your potential, you will need to complete a journey. The problem is that not everyone knows the destination or which path leads to this destination. If you look for the signs, you will find people, opportunities, and wisdom that will guide you along the right path until you find your soul mission. You might meet someone that tells you about something that sounds interesting. Check it out. If it interests you then take a chance. Guidance is available all the time. You just have to be aware of it.

How to communicate with your angels

Your guardian angels will communicate with you whether you notice it or not. They will often appear in response to your prayers. However, sometimes you might wish to receive guidance even if they haven’t communicated about something. You might ask them to help you bring abundance into your life when you are trying to manifest something.

Guardian angels support you throughout your life. They are always ready to help and support you. You can reach out to them whenever you need support or help.

They don’t communicate if you are not interested in communicating with them. Therefore, if you are interested in receiving messages from them then let them know.

When you are radiating positive energy and in the right mindset then communication will flow easily. Therefore, if you are interested in communicating with your guardian angels then work on your positive energy. You will also want to be relaxed and ready to listen. If you are trying to communicate then start with a short meditation to relax you and help you focus.

What religion are angel numbers?

Whereas ascended masters represent different religions, guardian angels support each person regardless of their religion. Their mission is to help you find happiness no matter how you define your religious beliefs.